Monday, May 20, 2013

Poquito a poco

Poquito a poco is a phrase that Manuela has taught us, and it means "little by little." Little by little we are getting settled in and accustomed to the ways of los MadrileƱos. We are seriously enjoying the food (Madre Manny is a fantastic cook), adjusting to the lack of personal space that one is entitled to here (almost no space at all), and slowly but surely, little by little, poquito a poco mastering the Metro (hardest part yet). This morning on our way to our first day of class, the Metro looked something like an ant hill after it has been kicked over- people everywhere. It
was unreal and a little frightening for so early in the morning.

To cure the anxiety that the Metro had caused and to get over the first day of class, we took to the streets to do one of the things Fran and I love to do: shop. All the boutiques, shops and departments stores in Madrid are not only fabulous but relatively cheap. AND no tax- yipee! Fran got a bathing suit for $20 and I got two linen tshirts for $25- que barato!

Also had to cash in a whopping $35 for a cellular device to use to call Manny, the Auburn professors and other friends on the trip. To see how far technology really has come, take a walk down memory lane and check out the picture below to see the phone...

We love updating y'all (woah, haven't said "y'all" in a while) on all the wonderful things we are experiencing here in Madrid. Much more to come!

Hasta luego,

F & C
Books and lunch packed with love by Manny for the first day of school!
Check out this baby
Shopping at our new favorite stores. 

Francie and the converters don't get along.

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