Monday, June 10, 2013

Escargot and Eiffel

Well, Paris this weekend was perfect. Run down: great food! Escargot was actually super yummy and the famous macaroons from Laduree were a small slice of heaven. The French people were surprisingly nice and helpful to the Americans with no maps and no French speaking ability. All the sights, Eiffel, Notre Dame, Sainte Chappelle, etc. were so picturesque and spectacular. The view from our hotel room of the twinkling Eiffel Tower at midnight takes the cake as our favorite view thus far. Other than flying into the world's smallest airport that was an unbeknownst one hour and fifteen minute bus ride into the city, Paris was the perfect trip.

Speaking of airports in Europe via flying Ryan Air, there are a few observations we want to share: Security done by Ryan Air professionals is about the equivalent of a 12 year old running security (except in Paris when they pat Francie down because the underwire in her bra sets off the metal detector). Another thing is that you have to pay to reserve a seat on the plane, which no one does and instead lines up at the gate an hour plus ahead of boarding time- pure chaos. Ryan Air takes full advantage of their PA system and tries to sell you perfume, lottery scratch cards and chicken fingers for 15 euros all in 4 different languages, so really silence does not exist. Ryan Air never turns off the cabin lights and won't let you pull down the blind on the window, so bright light city is aboard any Ryan Air flight. Andddd to top it all off there is a screaming- I mean screaming- horn that goes off/wakes you up at the end of every Ryan Air flight to let you know you made it on time. But, all complaints aside, Ryan Air is prompt, cheap and gets you safely from point a to point b all over Europe. Muchas gracias Ryan Air.

Tonight, a big group of us are going to eat at Casa Botin- oldest restaurant in the world and Ernest Hemingway's favorite spot to dine. They are known for their suckling pig, and if enough people at the table order it, it in fact comes out to your table as a full pig. Okay so more to come on that.

We're so sad that this is our last Monday in Madrid, but can't wait to see all of you back stateside next Sunday! Much love!

F & C

Arc de Triomphe

Escargot anyone?

The beautiful Sainte Chappelle

In good company in Paris

Eiffel by night, the very best

Top of the Eiffel, wind and all

In heaven at Laduree! 

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